Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure performed by dentists for various reasons. Whether it’s due to tooth decay, damage, or overcrowding, extracting a tooth may be necessary to maintain oral health. However, the cost of tooth extraction can be a concern for many individuals, especially those without dental insurance. In this article, we will explore the topic of tooth extraction and delve into the affordability of the procedure, with a particular focus on a $99 tooth extraction offer provided by Dice Dental.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

There are several reasons why a dentist may recommend a tooth extraction. One common reason is severe tooth decay that cannot be effectively treated with a filling or root canal In such cases, removing the affected tooth can prevent further damage and potential infection. Additionally, impacted wisdom teeth, which can cause pain and misalignment of other teeth, often require extraction  Other reasons for tooth extraction include overcrowding, preparation for orthodontic treatment, and trauma or damage to the tooth.

The Cost of Tooth Extraction

The cost of a tooth extraction can vary depending on several factors. The condition of the tooth, the type of anesthesia required, and the complexity of the procedure all play a role in determining the overall cost . Dental insurance plans typically cover a portion of the extraction costs, but it’s important to note that coverage may vary. For individuals without insurance, the cost of a simple extraction can range from $75 to $300 per tooth

The $99 Tooth Extraction Offer

Dice Dental, located in Springfield, PA, offers tooth extractions starting at just $99  This affordable price point makes dental care accessible to individuals who may not have insurance or are concerned about the cost of the procedure. By providing a low-cost option for tooth extraction, Dice Dental aims to ensure that patients suffering from tooth pain or damage can receive the necessary treatment without financial burden.

It’s important to note that the $99 tooth extraction offer may have certain limitations or exclusions. Additional fees may apply for complex extractions or the use of specialized anesthesia. Therefore, it’s advisable to consult with the dental office directly to understand the specific details and any potential additional costs associated with the procedure.


Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure performed for various reasons, including severe tooth decay, impacted wisdom teeth, overcrowding, and trauma. The cost of tooth extraction can vary depending on factors such as the tooth’s condition, anesthesia requirements, and the complexity of the procedure. For individuals without insurance, the cost of a simple extraction can range from $75 to $300 per tooth. However, Dice Dental offers an affordable option with tooth extractions starting at just $99. This low-cost offer aims to make dental care accessible to those who may not have insurance or are concerned about the financial aspect of the procedure. If you are in need of a tooth extraction, it is advisable to consult with a dentist to determine the best course of action and understand any potential additional costs.