Barolo, often referred to as the “King of Wines,” is a prestigious red wine produced in the Piedmont region of Italy. Each vintage of Barolo carries its own unique characteristics, influenced by the weather conditions and winemaking techniques employed during that particular year. The 2017 vintage of Barolo, despite facing challenges such as a hot and dry summer, has managed to impress wine enthusiasts with its complexity and resilience. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of the Barolo 2017 vintage, exploring its climatic conditions, tasting notes, and overall quality.

The Climatic Conditions of Barolo 2017

The 2017 vintage in Barolo was marked by extreme weather conditions, making it a challenging year for winemakers. According to Paolo Scavino’s report on the vintage, the region experienced a hot and dry summer . The absence of rain in August posed a significant challenge for vineyards, as water stress can negatively impact grape development. However, despite these adverse conditions, the vintage managed to showcase its resilience and unique character.

Tasting Notes: A Symphony of Flavors

Barolo 2017 offers a diverse range of tasting notes that highlight its complexity and depth. The Altare Barolo 2017, for instance, exhibits a beautiful Nebbiolo nose with floral, fruity, and mineral aromas. The wine also presents hints of cherry, chocolate, tobacco, and rose petals, providing a balanced and approachable experience. This exemplifies the essence of a classic Barolo.

Another notable example is the Bartolo Mascarello Barolo 2017, crafted by the legendary Maria Teresa Mascarello . Despite the challenges posed by the extreme vintage, this wine showcases elegance and finesse. With a light ruby shine, it captivates the senses and demonstrates the skillful winemaking that can overcome even the most difficult conditions.

The Quality of Barolo 2017

Despite the hot and dry conditions, the Barolo 2017 vintage has surprised wine enthusiasts with its overall quality. According to Berry Bros. & Rudd Wine Blog, the vintage is considered a “modern-age classic”. This description highlights the unique nature of the vintage, which deviates from the expected overripe uniformity that one might anticipate from such a hot and dry year.

The Forbes article emphasizes that although the vintage faced challenges, it managed to produce impressive wines . The early harvest, driven by the hot summer, did not hinder the quality of the grapes. Instead, it resulted in wines that possess depth, complexity, and a distinctive character.


The Barolo 2017 vintage, despite facing a hot and dry summer, has proven to be a testament to the resilience and skill of winemakers in the region. The extreme weather conditions presented challenges, but they also contributed to the unique character and complexity of the wines. Tasting notes from various producers showcase the diverse range of flavors and aromas found in Barolo 2017. Overall, this vintage has defied expectations and produced wines that are both impressive and enjoyable.